Nineteen Candles
I wished for a crafty birthday, a weekend full of laziness but creativeness. Waltzing into those final moments before the clock struck twelve, I was in the kitchen melting wax, getting ready to make my very first candle. It could be called my “birthday candle” I suppose. Purplish with a “peace sign looking” design, seemed to be a success. Of course, my sister called dibs on the candle so I didn’t get to make my own until the next day, another successful candle.
Also, I have been working on my “Little Hooter” for a while now off and on. Work just takes over during the week, but I made sure I finished him this weekend. He turned out real cute and fluffy with a “lucky wing” (Finding Nemo)since I didn’t pay close enough attention when I sewed it on. Oh well, I’m proud of my first Little Hooter especially since that was my first crocheted amigurumi. I hope to make more in the future, and definitely add to my Hooter collection.
Along with my little crocheted owl, I decided to make one of those fleece blankets, the easy kind where you just cut strips all the way around and tie the two fabrics together. Since I have become crazy about owls lately, of course I picked a fleece that had cute little owls all over it. I bought the last of the “Snooze Owl” fleece at Hobby Lobby, sorry everyone else! The blanket turned out really well with owls on the top side and a solid blue on the other. Now I have the idea of making two matching pillows to have on my futon in my dorm room. Matching owl blanket and pillows? Oh yes! Now if only I could find that fabric again, crosses fingers.
Overall, with my three crafting adventures my birthday weekend was a good one. We had ice cream cake from Dairy Queen (mmm, my favorite) that had an owl on it, haha, of course. First time my cake has not had a sunflower on it in years! Guess I have moved on to new things. :)
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